

We want our students’ BEST friends to be church friends. In fact, we want ALL our friends to eventually become church friends, because we believe that church, a community of people living life with Jesus, is where every person belongs. Church looks a little bit different right now, but it’s still happening. Our high schoolers meet in small groups in families’ backyards all over the DC Metro Area. These house huddles are groups of church friends who hang out, love each other unconditionally, and learn about Jesus. Each week our house huddles meet for an hour and a half of masked-up, socially distanced, soul-filling good times. Huddles meet in almost every weather condition. We believe so strongly in the importance of this time that we don’t let a little rain or some low temps get in our way! For information on a house huddle near you, email Pastor Matt at matt.komar@trygrace.org.