Men's Sermon Discussion

Monday at 7:00 PM

Location: Ballston Quarter.

About this Group:

Our men's Bible study group is welcome to all young professionals willing to explore the transformative wisdom found in the Sermon on the Mount and how it relates to seeking clarity amidst our current life's challenges. Our discussions extend beyond scripture, addressing topics as simple as common interests in popular culture or the complex balance of fulfillment and disappointment in the professional and personal worlds. What can we learn from Jesus's teachings to combine spiritual learning with the practical applications of balancing work, family, meaningful friendships, and authentic relationships?

Join us on the journey of merging faith and the realities of everyday life.


I've been a Christian most of my life but have a renewed passion for delving into the profound teachings of Jesus. Hope you can join me!

Meeting: In-person, weekly on Mondays at 7:00pm.

To Join: Click "Join", provide your info and the group leader will be in touch with final details needed to participate in the group. If you have any questions, feel free to include them on the form.

Group Details:

Group Type: In Person
Category: Men's
Topic: Message Discussion
Metro Accessible: Yes
Monday at 7:00 PM
Metro Accessible: Yes
  • Brandon Geddes (Leader)