Husband. Father. Career. You.

Wednesday at 7:00 AM

Location: Ballston Quarter

About the Group:

These are four roles you play, and perhaps you have a few more. Juggling these roles can be challenging. Because of this challenge, you've started waking up early to find quiet time to read, study, exercise, or simply think. You've established a daily routine that seems effective, but you're growing tired of going through it alone. You wish to delve deeper into your faith beyond the Sunday sermon but are uncertain how to proceed. The idea of attending a Bible Study feels intimidating.

If any of the above sounds like you, then why not share Wednesday mornings with us and see how it goes?


Led by John Crane who has been a member of Grace Community Church for 10 years. He's happily married to Linda, with whom he will celebrate 25 years of marriage in January 2024. They are proud parents of their daughter Emma, who is currently in her first year at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA.

Meeting: In-person, weekly on Wednesdays at 7:00am.

To Join: Click "Join", provide your info and the group leader will be in touch with final details needed to participate in the group. If you have any questions, feel free to include them on the form.

Group Details:

Group Type: In Person
Category: Men's
Topic: Bible Study
Metro Accessible: Yes
Wednesday at 7:00 AM
Metro Accessible: Yes
  • John Crane (Leader)